Volunteer in Africa

EDGE of AFRICA is committed to ethical volunteering and responsible travelling- providing volunteer and internship placements in South Africa for gap years, career breaks, university internships, school groups and corporate team building projects.

Friday, August 13, 2010

‘Day in the Life’ of an EDGE of AFRICA Medical Volunteer

‘Day in the Life’ of an EDGE of AFRICA Medical Volunteer by Eavanna Maloney.

Its 07h00 and our EDGE of AFRICA volunteer wakes to another day at the EDGE of AFRICA volunteer house and sits down to a light breakfast of cereal, toast, tea and fruit. Breakfast at the volunteer house is a crazy time consisting of running around, laughing, shouting, eating sometimes simultaneously and sometimes resulting in the odd collision!

At 07h45 our volunteer is transported to the Knysna Provincial Hospital where she spends the day assisting various medical staff on the Pediatrics Ward with their daily duties. At about 11h00 after her tea break she takes time out to sit, read and play with the children in the ward. Today, one of the kiddies is lucky enough get a piggy back ride! Which she thoroughly enjoys! This is a time when the children can forget that they are in hospital and they can really just enjoy themselves!

At this time other EDGE of AFRICA Community Medical volunteers are walking in the local township of Kayalethu. They are visiting locals and helping Hospice Home Based Carers with their rounds. This is a great opportunity for EDGE of AFRICA volunteers to meet local people and learn about the cultures of Knysna.

At 14h00 after a satisfying packed lunch it’s time for our HIV/AIDS & TB Awareness volunteers to go to the Sinethemba Youth Development Centre in Kayalethu, a centre of hope, development and learning for local kids, to conduct an HIV Awareness workshop with some of the teenagers. In a fun, relaxed manner the teens ask questions and express their views while learning about the virus and how to protect themselves.

After the Workshop at about 15h30 our EDGE of AFRICA volunteer plays games and talks with the children and teenagers that are attending Sinethemba. The teenagers have really enjoyed the workshop and say they have learned a lot.

As the day comes to an end our volunteer returns to the EDGE of AFRICA volunteer house to enjoy a traditional South African meal, and everyone’s favourite – Bobotie (traditional South African Cape Malay dish).

At 19h00 all volunteers are treated to a discussion by Dr Laurel Giddy - a local HAART (Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy) Clinic Doctor. Volunteers have found this discussion interesting and very informative.

For those not ready for bed then a local DVD, ‘The Gods Must Be Crazy’ – a South African classic!

For those really not ready for bed ….. a night out on the Knysna Tiles! Usually visiting, Swing Café, Harry B’s and the Shabeen. But not too late another busy day looms!

Until next time…


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